Wisa Lake Project


The Wisa Lake Project comprises of 6,666 ha in area is located in the southwest part of Ontario that can be accessed by trucks and atvs. The Project is also next to Green Technology Metals’ (ASX: GT1) Wisa Project and to Libra Lithium Corp.’s Flanders Project.

  1. Green Technology Metal’s (ASX: GT1) pegmatites generally run E-W orientation that have been mapped for 1.5 km along strike with widths exceeding 20 m locally. Initially, the mapping and sampling delineated the pegmatite with elevated tantalum in the west and lithium in the east.
  2. Libra Lithium Corp announced the discovery of spodumene-bearing pegmatites at the Flanders South Project with surface grab samples returning up to 2.86% Li2O within the newly named Homer pegmatite, which spans up to 35 m in width and is located less than 3 km from an all-season road.
Wisa Lake Project District Map


The 2023 Phase 1 exploration program was shortened due to forest fire in Ontario. Yet, the few days the field crew spent at the Wisa Lake Project were able to locate several pegmatites and a few of them were beryl-bearing. It is recommended that a follow up program should be carried out to further map out and sample across the project area to define and narrow down areas with higher exploration potential. Also, a LiDAR survey was completed in 2023 to outline topographic high features for the follow up exploration program to prospect. 

Map of Pegmatites Mapped in 2023 Exploration Program